This is the porch:

My Project Table in the Family room (the only time you'll see it empty)

The Living Room Window (great place to work on a puzzle)

I love chillin' in my beach chair (that's my head)

I love the view to the left:

I love the view to the right:

I even love the rocks, (and so does Addie!):

and Dax...

I love that the kids always dig holes to play in:

I love that Addie thinks she's helping them with her very own shovel:

I love how she leaves a trail of little baby holes, like footprints, dug in the sand.

I love that she never gets tired of throwing little rocks into the hole and watching them splash.

I love dripping popsicles and smiling faces;

I don't even care that instead of being up in her bed where I left her, she's here instead!

I mean, if there's one thing I 'get' it's being lured by the sound of the's in my blood, and I got it from my MOMMA!

I DON'T love sand-balls in the house:

But I do LOVE this girl!

Thank you GREG for letting me do this again!

I love you.